Tuesday, December 15, 2009


This year, I have experienced more life lessons and challenges of growing up than I ever could have expected. All the heartache and joy in this year has been such a blessing... and I didn't think I would say that while it was happening. I realize now that everything happens for a reason. God has a perfect plan for my life. I know now that this plan includes me moving to San Diego in the fall. If you ask me why... I couldn't give you a straight answer. I just know that is where God wants me. I am scared of leaving my family and friends. My comfort zone. Going somewhere that I don't know every other person that walks by... But yet I have this strange peace about it. I know I can't afford it but I have faith that God will provide. There is such beauty in how God's plan works out and I am looking forward to seeing how it does. The future is a scary yet exciting thing for me right now. I can't wait to see what the next step is.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Love, come and find me.
Let me understand truly being cherished and sacrifice
Becoming grateful for what you've given me
Love, don't desert me.
Don't leave me searching for you
Holding onto the preview you've given me
Love, embrace me with the warm understanding.
I want to find you.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


This summer I have matured and learned more lessons than I ever thought I was capable of learning in such a short period of time. It has been painful. But I have never been more excited about where my life is heading.

I wrote this on the plane home from San Diego. I was so torn. I felt like I belonged there and I had finally found my future, only to get back on a plane and leave it all behind.


The things I hold dearest are suffocating me slowly.
The passions wrestling to get out of my skin are deteriorating.
Is there no other way?
It's frustrating to me that it is this hard to change.
Or am I transforming?
Or am I renewing my soul to what I want the most.
Father, hear my cry.
This heart needs sutures.
This heart was made to love you.
But trust...

My heart aches.
This is too much pain.

Is it too much to ask for my life to be fine?
For my passions to finally be mine.
One after another I get closer.
But you never told me how my heart would behave.

But the beauty in breaking down remains.

My desire is you, these passions come from you.
Change is delicate.